My Campus Involvement
Friends for Life of America
Chomp Cancer Carnival Co-Chair
Collaborated with 5 committee members to develop ideas for entertainment and fundraising opportunities at carnival
Contacted 10 student organizations at UF via email to seek participation in event with ultimately 4 committing to help
Expedited day-of event logistics by setting up, running several booths, and breaking down carnival
Hearts for the Holidays Co-Chair
Promoted creation of cards sent to children hospitalized in the United States over the holiday season
Called hospitals in 10 states to coordinate distribution of cards
Collected 1,142 cards created by UF students that were distributed to 37 hospitals in 35 states

Alpha Kappa Psi
Assistant Vice President of Service
Oversaw the creation and development of service events and our semi-annual philanthropy fundraiser
Collaborated with 5 brothers to increase fraternal contributions to the community
Secured logistical elements for our semi-annual philanthropy fundraiser
External Affairs Chair
Polled members of the chapter and community organizations to determine interest in external event
Constructed plan to host an educational event in relation to social issues and our chapter’s dedication to the community
Gathered documents and resources to facilitate greater project completion in further semesters
Pledge Class Vice President of Administration
Created spreadsheet for weekly requirement tracking in Google Sheets using functions and conditional formatting
Documented pledge requirements and communicated these to fellow pledges through minutes and social media reminders
Aided in planning fundraising events to exceed our fundraising goal of $600+
Motiv8 Site Coordinator- Lincoln Middle School
Coordinated with the school regarding mentoring topics and expectations for mentors
Relayed expectations and information from the host school and mentoring program to 18 UF student mentors
Served as representative of MentorUF at several training events to guide the development of incoming mentors
Motiv8 Mentor
Formed bond with students who were struggling academically, socially, or behaviorally at local Gainesville middle school
Attended two Center for Leadership and Service workshops focused on marginalized communities in Gainesville
Mentored students weekly through assistance with homework and advice for social and academic problems